Progress Asia forum

Photo shows: From Left to Right, Kar Wai Wong - SVP & chief solution Architect; PSC Senior executives Saket Saith, Kristine Cabellero - Host/Beauty Queen; Ra- jan Prasad, Pre-sales Consultants of PSC; PResident/CEO of Ebizolution & Kreativo Koncepto Nat Marquez, Technical Director Hugo Cruz; and Ricky Tai - Sales Manager for South Asia of Progress Software.
       Over a hundred information technology professionals gathered last week at the recent Progress Asia Forum '09 at the Mandarin Oriental Makati to listen to a battery of IT experts Talk on the evolving relationship between business, technology and mission - critical Information and how these influence one another.
       Organized by the Progress Software Corp. (PSC) for its Asian clients, the event was the second in a series of IT forum that started in Hong Kong last February and will move on to India, Malaysia, Korea, and Indonesia after the Philippine leg.
According to recent survey commissioned by the PSC, a global provider of application infrastructures Software to develop, deploy, integrates and manages business applications to maximize the benefits of information Technology while minimizing its complexity, 77 percent of CIO's and IT directors are unable to effectively drive Business change due to inadequate information availability and PSC is proposing the solution to this concern.
       Keynote speaker in the half day forum was Nathaniel Marquez, president/CEO of Ebizolution and Kreativo Koncepto who talked on the industry insights and relevant reference cases, he was followed by a battery of internal Speakers who dwelt on other related topics with Saket Saith, Technical director of alignment and how an effective IT System can help achieve business objectives making use of moving data.
PSC pre-sales consultant Hugo Cruz talked on managing process in a multi-site heterogeneous environment, While Rajan Prasad, senior pre-sales consultant of PSC south Asia focused on application modernization and readiness to grow on existing infrastructure.
       "We are very at the turn out of participants and this shows a higher awareness of the importance of managing Information in today's very competitive business world, and presently we are looking at big manufacturing companies and Credit cooperatives as primary target markets," said Kar Wong, SVP/CIO of Infoman PSC's distributor in the Philippines.
Contact: Precy M. Abalon
Tel: (632) 8 843-1786
Fax: (632) 843-2755